The ITIL® Credit Profiler System
ITIL Qualification Scheme introduces modular credit system for each of the ITIL qualification . All
modules are given credit score , and the candidates who meet the
required entry criteria and collect the required number of credits ( 22 )
who can apply to the ITIL Expert qualification levels .Qualifications
of the previous version of ITIL has also been recognized in the system ,
along with complementary qualifications ITIL endorsed as the core
portfolio .The
purpose of the ITIL Credit Profiler is to advise ITIL candidates of the
total value of the loans they have achieved in the scheme and to
provide general guidance on the potential for the further study of these
candidates based on education or qualification purposes .Make your credit profile .Make your credit profile by clicking the ITIL modules you have successfully completed or intend to take , in the graph below . Then click " View Credit Profile " button at the bottom of the page to see how many credits you have earned in the scheme.